Microsoft Excel courses

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Are you looking for Excel training? We offer various Excel courses at 10 training locations in The Netherlands. Another option is to organize a training at your own location if you have your own training room. Our Excel courses have received a rating of 9.4 on Springest! View the various Excel courses that we offer down below, from Excel Basic to VBA Excel.

For people who have been working with Excel for years, a training in Excel can have a refreshing and clarifying effect. If you choose to organize an Excel course at your own facility you can customize the course to your needs. One of our instructors will call you to develop the course content especially for you.

Excel Basic Course

Learn how to work with Excel in a fast and efficient manner in this course. The Excel basic training teaches you the basic capabilities of Excel. Layout and efficiency are key, but you will also acquaint yourself with the formulas in Excel.

When you’re unsure of your expertise level in Excel there’s a possibility to take a free online test that can advise you on which course to attend. You can find the Excel expertise test via the following link.

If you want to know more about this Excel Basic training, view our course content, open schedule data or request information by email or chat

Excel Advanced course – Tables & Databases

You learn how to work with tables and databases and are briefly shown how to use pivot tables. In addition, we explain how this information can be presented optimally by means of creating a graph or table in Excel. You will also know how to filter with slicers, timelines and filters, how to sort automatically and how to merge files in Excel.

If you want to know more about this Excel Advanced training, view our course content, open schedule data or request information by email or chat

Are you unsure which expertise level in Excel you have as a participant? No need to worry. We and our Excel trainers have developed a test that you can use to see which trainings level is suited for you. You can find the Excel expertise test on one of our partner websites.

Excel Expert course – Formula and Functions

The training for Excel Expert was designed to get to work behind the scenes of Excel. Problems are turned into minor challenges after following the Excel Expert training. By following this training, you will become the Excel Expert within your department/organization.

If you want to know more about this Excel Expert training, view our course content, open schedule data or request information by email or chat

Excel Master course – External data and macros

If you want to know more about this Excel Master training, view our course content, open schedule data or request information by email or chat

Power BI courses

Learn how to draw up reports from the data stored within your organization more efficiently and easier than ever! Our Excel Power BI training consists of a collection of utility software and processes that participants can use to collect data, convert it into useful information and to be able to make better decisions.

We offer 2 levels, namely the Excel Power BI Basic and Excel Power BI Advanced training. In addition, we also offer an official 3-day Microsoft curriculum, the MS 20778 Analyzing Data with PowerBI training.

Power BI Desktop & Online course

This training is designed for BI consultants, analysts, power users, end users, IT professionals and advanced Excel users that wish to acquaint themselves with the possibilities offered by Power BI Desktop.

MS 20778 Analyzing Data with PowerBI

Wilt u meer weten over Microsoft PowerBI training, bekijk onze cursusinhoud of vraag vrijblijvend informatie aan via onze chatfunctie.

Excel PowerPivot Basic course

Our Excel PowerPivot courses will teach the participants to compose a PowerPivot model in Microsoft Excel and how to use it to draw up a report with pivot tables and pivot graphs.

This Excel PowerPivot basic training is suited for experienced Excel users who want to generate and design reports and analyses from various data sources.

Excel PowerPivot Advanced course

In order to participate in this training, the participant should at least be able to perform the topics from our courses Excel Basic (level 1) and Excel Advanced – Tables & Databases (level 2).

The training PowerPivot Advanced – DAX (Level 2) is suited for anyone who reports by using external information in Excel. In order to participate in this training, the participant should possess a solid knowledge of Microsoft Excel as well as the topics covered in the training PowerPivot Basic (Level 1).

Excel Power Query course

This training is designed for participants who want to analyse information that is not yet suited for this becuase it needs some tinkering and adjustments. Cleaning up this information with Power Query will save you a ton of time. Anyone who wishes to process information in Excel will benefit greatly from this training.

VBA Excel Training

We offer Excel VBA Excel training in 2 levels of both two days, VBA Excel Basic and VBA Excel Advanced. Both courses in our open schedule take 2 days. You can participate in this VBA Excel training if you have the Excel version 2007, 2010, 2013 or 2016.

This training is designed for reasonably experienced Excel users who wish to use Visual Basic for Applications to write macros in Excel and to adjust or automate Excel functions.

MOS Excel

Excel for Financials

As a financial employee, you probably work with large Excel spreadsheets on a daily basis. Financial information is often manually copied by many people, because they are unaware of useful resources. This Excel for Financials training preps you as a financial employee for automating Excel.

Our Excel trainers can provide the Excel trainings in both English and Dutch. Are you unsure which expertise level in Excel you have as a participant? No need to worry. We and our Excel trainers have developed a test that you can use to see which trainings level is suited for you. You can find the Excel expertise test on one of our partner websites.

We can provide Excel courses both in English and Dutch.

Of course, we can also offer these courses for specific groups of one company. This can be done at one of our locations throughout The Netherlands, in-house at the customer’s location or at an external location. We can either stick to our own training content or you can decide on the (customized) content yourself.

The right Excel course for everyone!

We offer various Excel courses based on the various Office versions. Westhaghe Training & Advies offers courses in Excel 2016, Excel 2013, Excel 2010, 2008 (Macintosh), Excel 2007 and Excel 2003, among others. You can download the (standard) outlines of the various Excel courses here at our website. Of course, any course outlines can be adjusted to your own requirements, wishes and/or environment, allowing you to attend the perfect Excel training.

Want to know more about Excel courses in Dutch? Take a look at our course overview for Excel, in Dutch!

Meer weten over dit onderwerp?

Benieuwd naar de mogelijkheden van een cursus? Vraag vrijblijvend meer informatie aan en we sturen je binnen 24 uur meer informatie op over het desbetreffende onderwerp.

Beoordeeld met een 9.3 met 1.100+ ervaringen op Springest



"Erg fijne en duidelijke uitleg. Het meekijken op de beamer was een fijne manier waarop iedereen mee kon kijken. Ik heb heel veel kennis van alle mogelijkheden opgedaan. Een echte aanrader voor mensen die met PowerBI aan de slag gaan en zijn."

Danny Geelhoed


"Mooie interactieve training op basis van pragmatische oefeningen. Leerzaam en heel veel nieuwe handigheidjes geleerd van een enthousiaste trainster. Tijd is te kort en kan ook nog in een meerdaagse training worden gevat."

Jan Does


"Heel veel van geleerd veel truukjes en de PDF gaat zeker helpen. Veel nieuwe zaken ontdekt. Het was een gezellige training. Trainer was zeer kundig. Heeft heel veel ervaring. Ga dit zeker toepassen in mijn werk."

Nicolien Blokhuis


"De training was plezierig en leerzaam door de goede afwisseling van instructie en zelf oefenen. Omdat de groep niet groot was (vier deelnemers) was er voldoende ruimte om vragen te stellen. "